Wednesday 25 October 2017

How To Transform a Call Center Into Emergency Hotline at Institute In Top 5 Ways

School or colleges always have to make a provision for emergency number facility at their institutes. Such emergency numbers are essential in institute having a humongous number of students and staffs in it. 

It is neither feasible nor practical for the organization to launch and subsequently handle the emergency number, as it requires specialized skills for its management. Therefore, outsourcing the emergency hotline services to a call center is an apt decision. 

According to the latest survey, the hotline number of an educational sector managed by an experienced call center could generate 10 times the faster response than compared to another institute, where staff managed such functions.

The most interesting fact about a call center emergency service is its ability to manage the Police or law enforcement agencies, doctors, ambulance and fire fighters as and when necessary. 

1) Multiservice Options: By outsourcing emergency services to a call center, a firm is likely to get many benefits such as Phone support, email support and live chat round the clock.

According to the latest statistics published in the US’s leading educational journal, around 95% of the US colleges outsource their emergency functions to an experienced call center. 

2) Response Time: In case of any accident or mishap, the call center will have to act quicker. Faster the response time better will be the probability to save the students and people.

Accident never gives warning, so it is highly desirable that all institutes should consolidate their emergency functions via specialized call centers. 

3) Hotlines and Close Connection with the Government Department: Obviously, for any educational schools or colleges, it is definitely impossible to maintain a quick rapport with the government’s emergency department.

However, the call centers are expert in this field, and they maintain a close rapport with the government’s department. They always have an up-to-date telephone directory having the latest and relevant numbers of the concerned department.  

4) Inquiry Management: This is the most important work portfolio of a call center providing emergency services to the big-big institutes.

According to an estimate, around 93% of the call centers always outsource their emergency services to an expert contact center having ample experience in inquiry management skills during a crisis like situation. 

5) Practical Skills and Maturity: Not all persons can easily manage and control their emotions. However, call center employees are specially trained for it. They usually work with the cool mind and ensure that any emergencies are met instantly and with greater efficiency. 

Case Study

An educational institute launched a couple of years back is in its third year now. This college of higher education imparts education in some important subjects like management, biotechnology, social sciences and others.

The educational firm already installed the call center software in the process to handle students’ grievances on time. 

In fact, the institute also integrated the system infrastructure with necessary call center solutions to meet any future problems. Until now, the firm’s employees managed the call center operation. 

But the last year’s fire accident that led to the loss of so many important documents was a learning lesson for the firm. Though no case of injury or casualty was reported, yet the loss of so many documents on a single day was shocking in itself. 


Initially, it was a big challenge for the educational firm to outsource its emergency services to a call center firm. But the institute proceeds with its decision and hired an expert telecalling firm for the purpose. They utilized the latest online call center software in the system. 

The firm integrated best call center software in the process to ensure that all data of the institute stay safe on an independent server.

Another benefit of outsourcing emergency services is the way the contact center easily manages such important works without any worry. They are expert and pioneers in this field. 


With more and more students taking admissions in an institute, the outsourcing of emergency services is becoming more important than ever. 

In case of any mishap, including fire tragedy or short-circuit, it is the call center that informs all the necessary government departments about such untoward incidents utilizing the advanced call center software solutions in the process.

How To Simplify the Course Registration and Assist Students In Top 5 Ways

Course registration and student support services are a cumbersome task for any educational firm. Managing such amount of humongous big data and processing the same in a meaningful manner requires apt technology and skills.

As part of technology transformation, now the entire process of feeding data takes place via automatic route only. 

Usually, every educational firm installs some sophisticated and latest devices through which they can feed the data inside the server.

According to the 2016 statistics on innovation in education, around 99% of the colleges and schools have already replaced the manual feeding of data by automated processes. 

1) Registration Details: Every educational firm has to keep a complete record of registration details of each student. It is mandatory under the legal framework of any country.

Previously, institutes used to record such things in a long register manually but now the same is recorded in the firm’s server. 

2) Online Payment of Tuition Fees: Gone are the days when students had to stand in queues to pay their tuition fees. Now, the same process goes through online transactions using Net Banking, Debit and Credit card.

According to 2017 surveys on electronic payment, around 87% of all online debit and credit-card transactions are completed within a fraction of a minute. 

3) Online Course Registration: Online course registration of students makes the entire process simpler and flawless. After the registration of candidates for particular courses of their choices, the system generates a unique code to each of them bearing their individual enrolment numbers.  

4) Automatic Attendance Sheet: Maintaining an attendance sheet is also important. However, it will be more effective only when managed electronically. These days, smart card technique has just evolved.

It means each student will have electronic smart cards like credit/debit card, and they have to swipe the same in a special machine inside the campus every time they come in or go out. 

As of now, around 77% of the HR firms are using it for maintenance of official attendance of employees, but these days, even colleges are also using it for better administration and attendance maintenance. 

5) Automatic Schedule Planner with Calendar: Each of the institutes has to create an automatic schedule planner and calendar.

Such electronic routine will help to alert the students about their upcoming exams, attendance percentage and approaching holidays. The benefit of such automatic calendar is that it directly sends SMS automatically to student’s registered mobile numbers on time. 

Case Study

A new educational organization imparting necessary courses to students was inaugurated a few months back.

Though, the college was modern and believed in digitalizing student support division yet for some reasons the institute did not install advanced software apart from the existing call center software

Gradually, with the rise in student’s enrolment ratio, it became increasingly difficult for the institute to keep a record of everything.

The demand of the time hints towards office automation and integrating the best call center software in the process. The institute exactly did the same, and its fortune changed since then. 


Initially, it was difficult to get right persons for the task. However, the IT department easily managed the latest call center solutions and its senior contact center representative for student support division. 

They supervised the entire registration process of the new candidates using the appropriate online call center software in the process. Gradually, the office automation process started, and it gave positive signals too. 


The good news is the registration of lots of fresh candidates after integration of the appropriate calling devices and software tools in the organization.

The integration of the call center software solutions in the institute was an apt decision that paved the way for institute’s success. 

Not only, students were happy, but they also saluted the educational organization for its efforts towards augmenting the quality of student support works.

In the following months, the firm recorded a net profit of around 27% as compared to its last year’s earning.

The institute also saw a 12% increase in its gross enrollment ratio from last year’s 7%, with a positive difference of 5% following an upward trend. 

How Technology Help Students in Self-Directed Learning in Top 5 Ways

The era of self-reliant learning has already started. No doubt, technology is providing a big impetus to it. It directly establishes a relationship between learning and technologies.

With international borders are shrinking, so as the conventional practices of classroom training. 

If one thing seriously varies from person to person, then it is the one’s capability to learn and grasp the crux of the same. The latest technology allows the accomplishment of the same by creating educational equality everywhere.

No more one-size-fits-all formulas. Now each student can easily learn and study according to his or her own pace.

The 2016 survey on education has indicated that there is an increment of around 30% growth in the various online and distance education courses clearly reflecting the level of euphoria in self-directed learning.

Thanks to the penetration of the Internet and digital gadgets inside human lives or else it was utterly impossible to imagine. Digital self-directed learning methods are perfect for tech-savvy people and those who make the best of their time. 

1) Online Learning: This is the newest process of self-reliant learning. It brings a student directly to countless informative sources online. Now, it depends on the student to make the best out of it and learn properly. 

2) Open Educational Resources: Many organizations impart free learning study materials online in the form of PDFs or MS Word files.

Students simply need to click on these files or download them to get the full information of what is stored in them.

A study conducted by the US Institute found that 73% of academic-related research studies have their references from these open educational resources. They really provide a lot of valuable information to students literally without any cost.  

3) Personal Initiative to Learn: Some students regularly read informative blogs and online contents to enrich their knowledge about a particular stream of study. In addition, social media surfing has become a good source of knowledge too.

The users on social networking sites provide vital knowledge of current affairs – highly useful to college students. 

4)  Face-to-Face Chat and Video Conferencing: These days, self-directed learning can also involve “face to face chatting” with your faculty regarding a certain subject. The video conferencing tool directly connects the students with the faculty breaking the hindrance of any distance. 

According to the study by a US-based educational consultant, 53% of the current institutes do provide video conferencing facility to let their guest faculty interact with the students. 

5) Self-Publishing and Blog Writing: Using this medium, a candidate can easily write a blog any matter of his choice and reach out to many people worldwide. They can then share valuable feedback and additional information that could help the candidate learn many new things. 

Case Study

An institute was on its transforming shape. Initially, it replaced all its obsolete technology by bringing in foremost call center software in the process.

The 2016 survey on consumer service says that a business firm is likely to earn 70% of new customers by operating its technical process on advanced calling programs and tools.  

The organization was about to impart self-directed learning to students by utilizing the best call center solutions in the process. The director asked its IT admin to buy all the necessary devices for this purpose. 


The IT head did as the doctors asked him to do so. He bought much influential technological equipment such as laptop, projector and LCD screen and several other important tools that facilitate digital learning. 

Most students were happy that their college was moving hi-tech. The institute also integrated the best call center software for student’s assistance and continuous help.


Just within a fortnight after installing of the call center software solutions, the organization saw a huge number of increments in student’s enquiry.

Several students outside the country also wrote a positive review about the firm for its giant leap in technology.  

The college acted as an inspiration to many other private colleges as it successfully implemented technological transformation using just the latest online call center software and some other necessary calling devices in the process. Many other institutes also followed its concept in the next months. 

How To Raise Funds for Educational Institutes via Call Centers In Top 6 Ways

Running a school or college is a big deal. It requires a lot of investments to ensure that the quality of the academic firm stays intact. From a pre-kindergarten program to higher education, every such organization has to tackle thousands of tasks on a continuous basis. 

The modern age institutes require some time for technological maintenance too. A recent survey on education claimed that around 90% of the institutes utilize the technological equipment in their organizations.

It is impossible for any educational organization to look after the entire student assistance program by itself so the usual appointment of a tele-calling agency in such situations becomes necessary. 

1) Appointment Services: Whether setting admission appointments with candidates or organizing conferences to let a guest faculty speak or give a lecture on an important issue, the call center’s appointment setting services are indispensable in this regard.

The recent educational statistics have confirmed that around 85% of the higher teaching institutes do hire a tele-calling agency for call management. 

2) Emergency Messaging: In case of a sudden school or college holiday, the call center can send a mass message informing the people about the news. The call center uses phone messages, text and email to reach out to a maximum number of people worldwide. 

3) Fundraising Campaigns: The tele-calling agency also launches fund-raising campaigns from time to time to garner necessary working capital for the institute. According to survey in 2017, tele-calling firms lead around 77% of the current fund-raising campaigns of educational institutions worldwide. 

4) Live Support 24/7: Another interesting feature of fund-raising campaigns is the call center’s ability to offer live 24x7 facilities to customers round the clock. Now, donors can directly talk to the call center and make donations via online transaction. 

Donors donate a huge amount of funds to educational institutes these days. 

5) Professional Ethics: The success of an organization depends upon the call center’s ability to handle the calling management effectively and offer maximum satisfaction to students and donors. Tele-callers are well experienced. In addition, they manage such calls in a perfect professional way. 

6) Donate For a Cause: A call center can also raise fund-raising campaigns for an educational institute by making campaigns more evocative and create impacts.

Around 81% of the call centers usually earmark such campaigns as “Donate for a cause”. It compels the donors and big corporate houses to contribute as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives. 

Case Study

The recently launched college of higher education was seriously going through some crunchy financial problems. The institute was on expansion mode, but necessary finances for the purpose were quite difficult to obtain.

The educational firm on its part successfully installed the call center software to ensure that any enquiry from the donor should not miss out. 

The board of directors of the academic firm called a special meet to analyze how to raise the funds from the markets through donors and philanthropists – who are passionate about education. 


When the institute found that gathering fund was getting difficult, then it appointed a tele-calling firm and asked the contact center to do everything possible to manage the necessary fund-raising campaigns from the market.

On day one, the contact center installed the advanced call center solutions to make sure that all outgoing and incoming calls are recorded properly for future use. 

Then the contact center followed the basic tenets of professionalism utilizing the best call center software in the process.

It also personally invites many donors for in person interactions on behalf of the institute regarding the donation amount and fulfillment of necessary legal formalities in this regard. 


No doubt, call centers have emerged out as the most prominent tool for the educational firm to raise money from the open market.

Using the latest form of call center software solutions, the contact center also arranges a live interaction between a donor and the board of the directors. 

All-important calls in the educational institutions need to be stored correctly in the device. The use of the effective online call center software acts as a single-most productive strategy to do so.

It enhances the quality of the call management while also augmenting the firm’s fund-raising campaigns.

Tuesday 24 October 2017

How To Connect Teachers Directly To Students Via Technology In Top 7 Ways

The conventional classroom training is changing. Now, teachers find it a more effective way to impart knowledge via digital technologies that include electronic tools, devices, and resources that are capable of processing data.

It also includes social media, online games, mobile devices, cloud computing and much more. 

The idea is clear. Every teacher wants to aim at enhancing the knowledge level of each candidate by leveraging the latest technology in the operation.

According to the latest statistical survey, around 97% of the educational institutes worldwide use digital technology in one way or other in their day-to-day operation. 

1) Blended and Virtual Learning: It includes the aspect of both audio/video mediums towards imparting a right level of education to students depending on their interests.

According to 2017 surveys, around 60% of the educational institutes in the US have already started the trend of blended and virtual learning across the nations. 

2) Game-Based Learning: In the current age of technology, game-based learning is trending. It astutely fulfills the aspirations of the new-age students who want to learn while playing.

Dissemination of right information or knowledge to students through online games was literally impossible to think about even a few decades back, but it is a reality nowadays. 

3) Digital Content: The rise of open knowledge sharing platforms such as the Wikipedia and creative commons is now providing the vast platform of digital contents to students and those who want to learn.

Digital content gives easy access to a treasure of information without paying a huge price for the same. 

4) Collaboration locally and internationally: Collaboration with the latest teaching firm for offering high-level digital education to students is quite beneficial to everyone.

In fact, it presents a win-win situation for everyone. When a firm collaborates internationally, it not only provides a wider platform but also lets the institute gather the latest form of technology that is in use elsewhere. 

5) Online Communities: To encourage the online communities in participating in the educational process is a good idea to move forward holistically. Online communities also promote digital education by way of mouth publicity and campaigning. 

6) Live Projectors and DVD Players: Among several of the technological devices that are used for teaching and training the students, projectors and DVD players tops that list.

These two are the most popular technological gadgets that school and college teachers use during their lecture sessions at varsity campuses. 

7) Online Courses: These days, online courses are also well-liked. According to one recent survey, around 70% of the students opined that they do like the concept of online courses and already enrolled for at least 1 or 2 online courses of their choices in the last couple of years.

Case Study

The two-year-old college was running well. It has a considerable number of students. Students were happy because of the institute’s prompt support during the examination time by offering astute telephonic assistance through call center software

A few months back, the organization launched several new courses for the students. Somehow, the use of the few old technological devices at the center did not allow full-fledged online programs.

The principal of the organization asked the IT head to correct the things at the earliest. The IT team installed a number of call center solutions to tackle the crisis. 


After a few weeks of intense analysis, the college decided to go hi-tech. For this very purpose, the institute revamped its educational process substituting the obsolete calling devices with the best call center software.

It paid off well as the use of the latest call center software solutions made the task lots easier. These advanced calling devices also facilitate the proper teaching methodology using gadgets and devices. 


Once the organization adopted a hi-tech way of teaching, it garnered a tremendous response from the candidates worldwide. Many students now want to learn from such technological gadgets because learning through gadgets makes the process easier and interesting. 

Moreover, with the use of the online call center software in the process, the entire telephonic and email conversations with the students are recorded chronologically for quality advancement purposes.

This augments the organization’s credibility too. 

How To Contact Prospective Students and Drive Maximum Revenue In Top 5 Ways

The launches of several private colleges and universities have opened the new avenue for educational entrepreneurs.

With the rise in the cost of everything, academic institutes also see a massive rise in its day-to-day administrative functions. In such a situation, garnering necessary funds via fund-raising or enrolling maximum students is the only strategy that could let an educational firm survive. 

Now, it is important to mention here that calling prospective students is a time-consuming process. If the institute itself undertakes such initiative, then it could literally lead to a lot of wastage of time.

On the contrary, call centers are the experts in this regard. They know how, where and why to call certain prospective students seeking their enrollment at a particular institute. 

The 2017 survey on the US Education has claimed that nearly 81% of these organizations witnessing a steep rise in the tuition fees.

Therefore, enrolling maximum students for the courses is a good way to move forward while keeping the quality of the institute paramount. An institute on its part should launch more and more online, distance and regular courses to grab the students’ interest. 

1) Aggressive Marketing: To ensure that students pay more attention to the outbound call from the institute, latter has to follow hard-hitting marketing strategy popularizing its courses and teaching modules to the world at a large.

According to the latest educational survey conducted in Asia, around 73% of the candidates prefer distance education to regular study. 

2) Subjects Combination: Apart from marketing promotions, the institutes also have to offer the right combination of subjects to allure students.

Now, the institute needs to entrust a tele-calling firm to speak out such schemes while the institute’s staffs should focus more on education-related issues. 

3) Government Approved Courses: Affiliation and approval of the institute’s courses are also important. Therefore, every entrepreneur who wishes to get more students must seek approval and affiliation of his institute from the government’s nodal body.

The survey on student preference in 2016 has revealed that 97% of the students would go for affiliated and government-approved courses than the non-approved ones. 

4) Provision of proper Certifications: After completion of a course, a student wishes to get a certificate that has all details of his marks and skills. If an institute wants to enhance its credibility among students, then offering certificate and diploma after completion of the courses is essential. 

5) Campus Placement: From the last one-decade or more, the concept of campus placement has gained a stronghold. Most of the students now wish to get a campus placement at his alumni itself after completing any course.

Certainly facilitating the placement option to students is a good idea to win their trust. 

Case Study

A recently inaugurated institute was not getting enough students on its campus. The college offered high-quality education, but since it was new, hardly a few people knew about it.

The educational firm installed the effective call center software in the process to resolve prospective student’s queries. 

The management decided to rejuvenate the whole institute with the best call center software to streamline the complete technical process.

The college exactly did the same integrating its entire students support department with the IT administration for apt services. 


However, continuous handling of IT and students’ issue made it difficult for the IT Head to work independently. He instantly appointed a tele-calling firm with due permission from the director. The idea clicked well.

The Institute connected its entire call management with the highly efficient call center solutions.

The tele-caller also initiated several chats with the prospective students by way of outbound and incoming calls. Within the next two weeks, the teaching firm received around 20,000 new inquiries from the students worldwide.


The benefits of using call center software solutions within an educational institute are manifold. It lets the call center executive manage the technological functioning independently without any issue. 

These types of calling devices are quite simpler and easier to use. The contact center can use such tools round the clock with minimum difficulty.

In addition, the use of the online call center software allows the call center staff to make a direct call to prospective students utilizing the automated IVR and call recorder in the process. 

Wednesday 18 October 2017

How To Address Leadership Crisis through Higher Education In Top 4 Ways

The leadership vacuum that we witness these days is the result of gross negligence of education in developing countries.

Several young people leave their education midway with a hope to become the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates. Unfortunately, not even 1% of the school dropouts become a real-life success. 

Contrarily, they have to work harder and undertake gruesome blue-collar jobs to support their families.

Not only this, even if some dropouts become future entrepreneurs, they are likely not to exhibit the maturity and leadership necessary for such profiles. 

1) Support Staff at School: The support staffs at large educational firms play a big role towards shaping the minds of the candidates.

Students in schools and colleges can definitely take a cue from their useful advice and try to create leadership abilities within themselves.

Such staffs include non-teaching teams like psychologists, motivational speakers, and educators who are not routinely involved with the school or institute’s activities. 

A recent educational survey in the US claimed that around 83% of the companies now require candidates having sufficient leadership capabilities.

Therefore, it is almost mandatory for every candidate to develop leadership and inspiring persona in order to perform well in their careers. 

2) Stress Management and Decision Making Capabilities: Without successful stress management, a person cannot become a future leader.

From the very start, students must grab the essence of leadership and try to emulate someone who rose to fame despite all odds in his life.

Students must be able to deal with the stress management during their learning days. 

A new research study claimed that 79% of the students leave their education because they find it extremely difficult to manage education-related stress. It is not a good sign.

Unless a student can manage the basic stress of study then how could he run a company and handle all affairs associated with it? 

3) Study Tours: This is another effective way to enlighten students about the life and environment around us. For educational purposes, students should visit developing countries of Africa and Asia along with their supervisors to understand their lifestyle challenges, and offer an amicable solution to the same. 

The 2017 survey on an academic budget has revealed that each school spends around 20% of their entire yearly budget to organize educational or study tours for their candidates.

It enhances the leadership skills of the students compelling them to think out of the box after seeing the plight of those poor people battling for their daily existence. 

4) Mass Campaigns aimed at Social Welfare: Educational firms should also never refrain from launching mass campaigns from time to time. Students should spearhead such campaigns, and teachers should play a supervisory role.

The candidates must aim at resolving the social issues that are affecting the lives of millions of people day in and day out. 

The 2015 survey on higher education has claimed that imbibing leadership skills inside students is now trending.

Around 93% of the higher-education organizations want their students to acquire enough leadership skills before they graduate.  

Case Study

A coaching institute was running well. It imparts necessary training and value education to candidates. The firm managed its data in call center software. Overall, students were happy with the institute’s services and teaching methodology. 

The institute had to take live demo classes using audio-video mediums and inspiring Youtube videos so that students grasp the entire concept of leadership without any doubts. 

Meanwhile, the utilization of the best call center software enables the full recording of calling conversation with the students in a chronological manner. 

Last year, the organization saw bumper enrolment of students to this institute. However, suddenly the technology disruption shattered its entire network infrastructure.

The IT head installed the call center solutions replacing the old software programs for greater efficacy. 

The institute’s idea of imparting leadership lessons to students did the trick. Now for any assistance, students directly talk to motivational speaker 24x7 using the online call center software integrated into the system. 

Since then the organization pertinently used call center software solutions, and it performed miraculously too. The institute earned a net profit of around 27% last month making it the best organization in the vicinity. 

How To Minimize the Skill Gap in Educational Institute In Top 5 Ways

The US represents 70 million people in the middle-skills jobs signifying the nation’s 50% of the workforce in it. The country has a far greater potentiality to offer employment to lots more people. 

However, unfortunately, the skill gaps in academic institutes are now creating a generation of confused and unemployable youths. 

Of late, bridging the skill gap in educational institutes in the US and across the world has become a big challenge. Mostly, employers want to hire candidates with industry-specific knowledge and skills.

They do not want to invest a lot towards training and empowering them. This is the reason why graduate and postgraduate institutes need to revamp their educational infrastructures in toto keeping the finest trends of the job market in mind.

1) Practical Skills and Vocational Training: As per the latest statistics, only 15-20% of the American candidates having acquired traditional and conventional qualifications like engineering, medical, science and arts get jobs these.

On the contrary, students who pursued most recent courses get better job options with higher lucrative packages.

2) Placement Options: It is essential for educational institutes to offer placement options to meritorious students so that they do not have to suffer much while searching for good job offers. Apart from jobs, with placement, students get an opportunity to interact directly with company representatives and understand the latest industry insight pertaining to their streams of studies.

3) Enhance Education Budget: By way of private investment or through Government assistance, an educational institute should do everything possible to collect enough finance and funds for its smooth functioning.

The institute should also hire well-qualified educationists as a mentor to fulfill the organization’s goals and objects. 

A recent study on the global educational trends has stated that 60% of the educational firms, these days, hire industry experts and motivational speakers in their organizations to inspire students to study harder and perform better in their lives. 

4) Industry Internships: After graduating from a premier college in any subject, candidates are likely to be little confused whether they will have to work the same thing that they learned at the college or the real task will be different.

Post examination industry internship could be vital in this regard. It will acquaint the students with the actual tasks that they will have to undertake in future relevant to their interest. 

5) Continuous Learning and Education: Someone has said it right that education is almost like a sky that has no ends. Even after passing advanced degree course, several firms and companies may still require managers and officers who are more skilled.

Therefore, continuous education in the form of online learning and distance education is a blessing for these candidates. 

Be it computer courses or spoken English or anything else, online courses and education enlighten a candidate’s future prospects by making them more skilled and inclined towards industry-specific modules of study. 

Case Study

A technological institute imparting advanced online courses on hardware and software was getting a good response from the students throughout the year.

The students across the globe were particularly delighted because of the firm’s Helpline support. The institute used call center software to ensure proper handling of student’s queries without any fuss. 

From the last year, the institute’s network infrastructure was totally dismantled due to the use of the inappropriate technological device by the college’s unskilled staffs. 

On noticing many complaints on social media from students worldwide regarding the organization’s improper helpline support, the director installed best call center software in the process to resolve the network issues. 

Once the institute’s network system improved, students were heavily pleased. On its part, the organization also integrated the latest call center solutions wherever necessary to provide live chat facility, so that students could easily interact with the faculty and get their doubts cleared if required. 

In the past few years, now colleges and B Schools are going through a transformation. They often initiate direct face-to-face conversation with industry representatives and candidates through video or Skype conference utilizing the best call center software solutions in the system. 

Such things greatly help and motivate more students to join the organization for its superior student support services using the latest online call center software round the clock.

Friday 13 October 2017

How To Retain the Best Talents and Boost Your Sales In Top 5 Ways

Retaining the finest talents, these days have become a primary task for any HR official and the management as well.

Especially, the realm of the education sector, retaining the highly qualified faculty and support staff is a herculean task as experienced personnel working in this sector tend to lookout for better opportunities. 

No wonder, the latest survey on nation’s spending on educational sector demonstrates an interesting trend. The government of the respective nations’ funds around 80% of the institutes in the EU (European Union) region.

Definitely, employees of the private institute’s tend to leave the job and directly apply for government jobs instead. It is indeed a big challenge for the private educational institutes to retain best talents.

1) Astute Leadership from the Top Management: The top management has to be visionary and farsighted.

The management has to show the ample amount of leadership starting from the appointment of staff to ensure their proper working in accordance with the institute’s requirement.

The principal, director and other board of directors have to be supportive and cooperative to retain the best talent in the institute.  

2) Well-Defined Career Growth: Career growth and promotions are the two necessary factors to allure staffs to stay with the company.

Timescale promotion and some sort of “incentive” should be there to retain the best talents and their interest towards working within the institute. 

As per the latest survey, 20% of the total educational firms in EU are private. Therefore, competitions are extremely tight within these institutes regarding the acquisition of the best talents. 
3) Creativity at Workplace: Be it the faculty or support staff, the top management should allow a space for enormous creativity at the workplace. Higher the level of creativity at a workplace better will be the scope for talent retention.

Creativity acts as an ego satisfaction for the staffs letting them do their works in a more skillful and productive manner. Such things also develop creative thinking attitude among the employees. 

4) Independent Thinking and Autonomy in Decision Making: The employees of an educational organization should think independently before taking any important decisions.

Independent decision-making ability makes them feel part of the organization more as they do not have to rush to the board of the directors to take prior permission for relevant decisions relating to their departments.  

5) Timely Salary and Recognition Rewards: Old employees of an organization deserve some rewards and recognition for their loyalty. A recent survey on employees’ behavior has revealed that 80% of the workers and staffs expect something from the firm in return for their continued association and loyalty.

This something can be “monetary incentive” or even “non-monetary” ones too in the form of rewards, special recognition, surprise promotion, and trophies. 

Case Study

An educational firm imparting MBA and Biotechnology training courses to students was facing some tough times now. Though, the institute started its operation three years back, a shortage of staffs seriously affecting the firm. 

The organization also installed the latest call center software for effective handling of student’s calls. However, now the first priority of the firm was to appoint new staffs and ensure their long-term commitment with the firm. 

It was a big task before the management. The board of directors collectively took a decision to hike the payment of their present staffs and appoint highly skilled candidates with better payment rate. 

The management also decided to install the best call center software to make the task of support staffs easier. 

The support staffs were delighted to see the use of apt call center solutions in the office. In addition, the new staffs were happy to see the utilization of so many advanced calling tools and devices within the system. 

Only by integrating the server with the appropriate online call center software an educational firm can stay safe from data theft, hacking, and data loss. Such tools also promote apt student support programs. 

The use of high-quality call center software solutions is extremely important at schools and colleges considering the sensitivity of the education sector.

These days, the faculty loves the idea of “student” interaction program held once a week for every two hours to remove their study-related confusions.

How Educational Institutes Fund Research Study In Top 5 Ways

It is a big responsibility on the shoulder of an institute to promote research and appoint highly skilled faculty personnel to accomplish that goal.

The primary difference between research and practice is the seriousness of an organization to undertake research study and let skilled individuals move forward in that direction.

According to a recent survey, around 80% of the educational firms do promote research study in one way or other in the US and other Scandinavian countries. It is an onus for an academic organization to identify the appropriate topics and motivate researchers to pursue further. 

1) Practical Evidence: The easiest way to promote research is by assisting the researcher with necessary fees and traveling allowance. It will help him do his task better citing practical evidence during the research. 

The latest educational statistics have claimed that around 81% of colleges in the developed countries promote research study. On the other hand, in the developing countries, the figure comes around 5-10% only. 

2) Research in Politics: Unbelievably, the high-quality educational research often finds its place in politics. Many political leaders cite educational researches during their speeches and live promotional campaigns.

In some cases, politicians do fund and sponsor research studies and programs as well. In that case, the institute has to invest nothing towards it. 

3) Research and CSR: Often, academic organizations conduct research with a noble aim of helping the government with some crucial statistics regarding development or fulfillment of poor. 

In such a case, the educational firm fully funds a CSR project with an aim to extract some vital statistics regarding the welfare of the people.

Usually, postdoctoral students in the relevant socio-political stream conduct such research-oriented studies. 

4) Public-Private Partnership: Out of the total educational institutes in Europe, a survey claimed that 80% of these are government or state-owned. In such cases, the government funds most of the research studies.

In addition, private individuals may also fund and encourage research studies for the promotion of research culture in their countries.

Such things are quite common in developed countries of the west. However, in the developing countries, research culture is literally a big zero there.

No doubt, it’s high time for these nations to undertake and promote research studies in their countries regarding various matters. 

5) Individual Discretion: In some rare cases, institutes may simply ask a candidate to undertake research study without the institute’s involvement in it.

It usually happens in case the institute is sustaining loses for quite some time, and the person undertaking research studies is well capable to fund the entire course of a research study on a self-funded formula. 

Case Study 

A new college of higher education launched its operation a few years back. The organization installed the appropriate call center software for easy storage of student’s data within the system. The college has a good faculty and supporting staffs too. 

The college also launches several research projects for interested candidates to participate. Starting from socio-economical to pure science, the college was always on the front foot when it comes research studies.

It also integrated the best call center software within the server for simplified input of entire research data into the system without any fuss. 

The college was widely admired for promoting research study. In fact, many postdoctoral students take admission each year to undertake a particular research pertaining to their interests.

All research documents have to be stored in the call center solutions situated at the main server of principal’s cabin.

A few months back, the principal was furious to know that some unskilled students of another college plagiarize some of the research study conducted by this institute’s candidate.

Immediately, the college administration transferred the entire research documents (online PDF version) prepared by its research candidates to safer and secured call center software solutions as part of the institute’s data safety goals. 

Even after seven months, not a single case of data theft has come to the light from that college – thanks to the use of the advanced online call center software.

Such tools come with 128-bit encrypted coding that prevents remote hacking and data theft chances while keeping the entire data password-protected too. 

Thursday 12 October 2017

How To Handle the Demand And Need For New Technology In Top 5 Ways

The impact of technology on any business is huge and positive. In fact, a number of works that 10 persons used to do earlier – now a single computer does as much work.

The size of the business organization hardly matters these days, as technology is becoming indispensable everywhere. 

All business enterprises have to think more about accelerating their technological infrastructure and improving the overall efficiency and productivity of their business operations.

Especially, in educational institutes, technology plays a key role. Students need to use laptops almost frequently for studying and research purposes.  

1) Communication With Confidence: It is important to understand that many companies and educational firms don’t have live websites.

Therefore, creating massive awareness in this regard is essential. According to a recent study, only 53% of the firms have a dedicated website for users. 

2) Excellent Business Operations: Technology is important for following the firm’s cost-cutting measure. In educational institutes, technology is all-pervasive.

Starting from storage of student’s data into the system to check their online assessment and progress, most of the major student-related activities go through the system for greater transparency and effectiveness. 

3) Superior Support Services: It is only by using the appropriate form of technological tools and calling devices that an educational firm can hope to give a massive impetus to its student support devices.

According to 2016 survey on student behavior, 83% of the students usually belong to 18-34 age bracket, and they are mostly impatient.  

Therefore, an educational firm has to look into this matter too. The firm should make an effort to resolve student’s queries immediately without any hassle. 

4) Data Safety and Security: These days, alongside the benefits of technology, its disadvantages, and worrisome effects have arisen as well. Now, most firms have to deal with the hacking and data breach threats on a regular basis. 

All technological tools should be advanced and latest to provide data security to the organization. All sensitive data should be password protected too. 

5) Timely Website Administration: A website is a window to an organization. Be it an educational institute or any other firm, having a live and attractive website with informative content and high-resolution photographs is the need of the hour. 

By offering a live chat option on the site, it becomes more customers friendly. 

According to a survey, around 66% of the educational institutes are hi-tech and fully integrated with the online mechanism.

It’s high time now for the rest of the schools and colleges to become hi-tech as well. Otherwise, it will be difficult for them to survive in this digital era. 

Case Study

A private educational institute imparting MBA course to students was on the verge of becoming hi-tech. 

It installed the high-quality call center software already in the system. However, with the rise in students, this particular tool was insufficient to resolve student’s queries or storing data. 

The organization asked its IT head to accelerate the firm’s technological goals and ensure the integration of call center solutions into the network.

The IT head did exactly that. Initially, the inclusion of new technological devices and calling equipment in the system were little difficult for the employees to understand. 

Since most staffs of the organization did not have enough idea about operating the best call center software, so the firm starting offering practical training to them.

It proved to be highly successful as the new staffs could now easily handle students’ queries in no time using those software tools. 

In addition, the use of such advanced tools helped the firm record the entire conversation in a chronological manner for quality enhancement purposes. The employees also worked with the call center software solutions to speed up their student support activities. 

Within a couple of months after installation of the advanced online call center software, the institute got an enormous response. Several new students took admission, and they were highly delighted by the institute’s technological advancement too. 

The organization gave free books and Wi-Fi facility to students as part of its promotional campaigns. The highly qualified faculty and supportive staffs won the faith of the students instantly.

In the following month, the institute recorded a net profit of 34% in comparison to last month. 

How To Meet Rising Expectations of Students In Top 5 Ways

Educational institutes across the globe have become hi-tech now. The need for the same arises due to the overwhelming expectations of the students worldwide.

Unlike past, the education has now become more interactive and multi-dimensional. Students also expect an institute to offer them with all the latest facility and amenities.

Earlier, only books were a necessary parameter to gain knowledge but now technology is equally important for that purpose. High tuition fees hardly matter these days. 

Desirous students and candidates are ever ready to pay the far higher price to accumulate quality education. The recent consumer survey has also stated this very fact. It claimed that 80% of the customers prefer paying high prices for better products and services.

1) Swift Application Process: Most colleges initiate the online admissions, and examination processes these days.

It creates a liability for them to ensure faster processing of the same immediately. Any flip-flop in this regard means candidates might shift to another college. 

The 2017 survey on consumer behavior says that 90% of the customers stop doing business with a firm because of poor and delayed customer support services.

Therefore, the institute must have swifter application validation process. 

2) Live Website with All Relevant Information: Candidates seriously want their college’s website to be live, interactive and up to date. An institute should never delay updating the same, or else it might infuriate the students more. 

Non-up gradation of a website with relevant and latest information could seriously indicate the lackadaisical attitude, which the institute must avoid doing.

A “Student Zone” section within the site can be a delightful experience for users to get all necessary info at the same place. 

3) Possible Career Options and Counseling: A College should also organize regular counseling sessions for its students.

This will act as a revelation for the numerous students who are not clear about their immediate career goals. Likewise, the website should also clearly mention what career opportunities are available after pursuing a certain course.

4) Enhanced Infrastructure Facility at College Campus: Apart from the quality of education, students also want superior infrastructure facility on a college campus.

This includes accommodation, hostel facilities with all modern amenities, latest technological gadgets, good and safe food and private coaching facility, etc. 

5) Relevant Courses in Sync with the time: It tops the priority of student’s expectations. Whether the student is pursuing engineering or biotechnology, outdated syllabus and pedagogy is a strict no-no.

As far as possible, the learning firm should impart the necessary education to the students as per the most-recent syllabus and teaching methods. 

The 2015 survey on education has found that 75% of the candidates are likely to take admission to a college that imparts the latest knowledge and practical training to candidates as per the industry trends.

Case Study 

The newly launched biotechnology institute was in search of students. It has recently renovated its office installing the latest call center software in the process. However, the task of enrolling new students was becoming extremely difficult due to low publicity.

Soon, the college launched a massive promotional campaign to enhance student’s interest in the institute.

The college principal launched a 24-hour toll-free number using the best call center software, especially for student’s admission-related queries. 

Everything was difficult initially, but the support staff and proper guidance by the principal did the trick.

The college also started offering free books and laptops to every student that ignited a further positive response from them. The organization also installed high-quality call center solutions with necessary software patches for data storage and analysis. 

Gradually, students found this new “abode of learning” a perfect place to continue their higher education. The campus was fully Wi-Fi zone, so students did not need to pay anything as internet charge. 

The faculty of the respective discipline personally responded to the students’ queries using the apt call center software solutions. The college earned a surplus of around 27% in comparison to its last month’s earning. 

The integration of the system server with advanced and secured online call center software ensured further data protection and safety from data breach and remote hacking. Students could now easily access to online library and resources of the institute as per their need.