Tuesday, 3 October 2017

How To Research Your Prospect before Calling Them In Top 5 Ways

A sale requires a thorough process and conviction skills along with the convincing power that successfully lead to the selling of a particular product.

It is highly recommended that a contact sales executive should initiate a chat with customers utilizing the best call center software only.

The recent customer support survey has indicated that 77% of the customers feel seriously aggrieved when customer care executives call them at inconvenient timings.

So, every contact center executive has to research the prospects well before making any call to them.

Here are some basic research tips that a sales team has to do before calling its prospects;

1) The Website of the Company: A contact center can check the website of a company to know more about the client. In such situations, the “about us” section could be of immense help.

This section largely gives detailed information about the nature of the business of the clients and what products or services they might need from time to time.

The 2017 survey on consumer behavior has revealed that 89% of the customers want effective and efficient services from the customer care center round the clock.

So, it is always helpful to dial prospective clients after gathering some required information about their demands and requirements.

2) Background Check and Research: It is necessary to pitch applicable products and services to target customers only. Having an idea about the financial credibility of customers is important.

Ideally, prospects having sound fiscal credibility should be targeted first for the sale of products and services.

3) Know Prospect’s Role and Power: Nothing can be more frustrating than spending a lot of time talking to a prospect, only to find out later that they don’t have the purchasing power to buy that product.

It can be extremely annoying and depressing for both the prospects and customer care representatives.

Before making an actual call, it is essential to know who to call and whether he is the right person for that or not. For example; to secure a successful B2B deal, it is useless to talk to the reception desk for hours together.

The 2016 survey on market intelligence has reported that 85% of the customers get seriously irked when contact centers make irrelevant calls to them.

4) Checking LinkedIn and Social Media: To understand the role of your prospective clients, doing ample research on social media is essential to know the complete list of working members of the business enterprise, and who are its core decision-making members.

5) Keeping a Tab On Competitors: For the successful realization of the sale, keeping a close watch on competitors is important. Such study reveals some vital trends about the latest preferences of the customers. Moreover, this information can be used for demonstrating how your products and services are better than that of the competitors.

Case Study

A call center wasn’t getting new clients. Every time, the call center executives dial customers, they simply switched the telephone off.

The contact center installed the best call center software in the process to ensure that each of the customer’s queries could be resolved at the earliest yet they get a poor response from prospects.

When the call centers witnessed a continuous dip in its clientele base, then the contact center owner finally asked his supervisor to resolve the crisis at the soonest.

The supervisor also installed the advanced call center solutions in the process to see if things could improve.

For first two days, nothing changed. The supervisor wanted to look at the problems personally that led to a dip in the company’s new client acquisition capacity.

Upon further investigating of the pre-installed call center software solutions and voice data, the contact center supervisor found that process was not followed during the calling process.

Then the supervisor seriously instructed his team to dial prospects only after making proper research of their role in the company, convenient timings and their individual profile on social media.

Soon, the contact center started receiving a lot of calls from random client day in and day out. The installation of the online call center software proved highly effective for training and quality improvement purposes.

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